Zoo Director Johnny Martinez says workers had figured the monkeys would remain inside their enclosure during the cleaning despite the lack of water in the moat to act as a barricade.
It strikes me that "figuring they'll remain inside" is probably not considered best practice when it comes to zoo keeping.
Now I'm remembering that peacock that escaped the Moscow zoo after getting in a dispute with the other birds when I was over there a few years back. I wonder if I can still find the story.
I like how the monkey was on a speed boat when they captured him. I'm getting a very Curious George vibe.
Okay, the icky gastrointestinal stuff from the other night (because I know you all live for updates on the workings of my intestines) is no longer frequent trips to the WC; it's just crippling horrible abdominal pain.
I think it's your basic gastroenteritis, which -- for fuck's sake, man! I don't have TIME for this! So I'm just drinking fizzy water alternated with Gatorade, and eating whatever sounds appealing to my churning insides (which, so far, is Velveeta Shells & Cheese and also scrambled eggs).
I'm annoyed at my guts, because The Boy is up at the Pride festival, which is at the park in our neighborhood, because our neighborhood FUCKING ROCKS like that, but there's no way I could trail around behind him what with the doubling over, grabbing my stomach, and howling in pain. Although it's possible that such behavior on my part could be interpreted as sheer appreciation for his ability to walk in heels (he left the house in a long-sleeved knit shirt, boobs, leather pants, and high-heeled boots, all black; so, subtle, but CD).
And I'm on the couch in a bathrobe wondering if I can eat a bagel without barfing. My life rocks, I tell you what.
Poor Teppy. I hope this clears up soon.
Poor Steph.
I'm watching The Princess Diaries. Why did they have to straighten her hair? You can be a princess with curly hair.
K-Bug is off getting a tattoo right now. She wanted me to go with her, but I had to beg off. Now I'm wishing I had gone with her.
Oooh! D'you know what design she's getting?
Teppy are you sure you don't need urgent care? I worry with you home by yourself.
I'm kind of freaking out about job search stuff. Why haven't I published anything yet?
Need to calm myself. Things like this work out. For college, I only got accepted to one school, and I really liked it there. For grad school, I got accepted to two, and only one offered me a decent TA-ship, and it's worked out. The job search will work out, too.
I feel like I keep screwing myself over, by doing just enough work to get something at the next stage, but never really doing the above and beyond stuff to get to something better than just a mid-range offer at a mid-level school.
D'you know what design she's getting?
Yeah, she has had this design in mind for a long time and had the tattoo artist sketch it out when I got my tat back in January. She went back to the same guy today. Anyway, if you are familiar with the Godsmack logo, it is a variation of that, but with a crescent moon in the middle. She also wants a milky way of stars across it in the background but will end up doing that another time (saving a bit of $ and time for now).