Yay K-bug & hooray to SuziQ too!
Squee for VW!
That is all. We're spending the day doing errands and mailing quarterlies (grr.) but meara has maybe inspired me to cupcakes. After I work out.
Tomorrow we're going to the last community play in our series and then to dinner with the Soxside parents.
Someone tell me to work out.
Oh. And. Lands end custom swim suits? Rock.
That is all. Again.
Congratulations to K-bug!
VW, you have every right and reason to be squeeful
Whoohoo! all around. I'm glad you're having a good time, ms. bug. You have worked hard and it's nice to see it paying off for you.
And K-bug, too! My goodness, where does the time go? If she's going to throw it all away, I'll take it!
Congratulations, K-bug!
Also, w00t, vw.
meara, I'm glad you had an entertaining night.
Wow, what wonderful news to wake up to! Meara hijinks, vw snoggage and K-Bug matriculation!
Hooray for K-bug!
Go vw!
DH is going to a sort of informal all-day techie conference thingy, so I think I'll take Annabel out shopping later to find something to do for Father's Day. (Which snuck up on me.)
meara, sounds like you had a fun night. Go you!
Yay, vw!
Congratulations, K-Bug!
The people upstairs appear to be back. I should probably go introduce myself at some point.
I'm making my 100th list for the brunch tomorrow. Hopefully everything I need is on it this time. I think we're going to go out for breakfast, do the rest of the shopping, and come back and cook all day.
Wow, I say again, Go Team Bug! (And that goes for K-Bug too!)
Yay Bug! Hooray vw!
Speaking of father's day- does anyone have a favorite rice pudding recipe? My favorite version has been the Arroz con Leche at Meson Sabika which has citrus zest. If I decide to try to replicate it, do I have to buy a zester or can I do a pssable job with my veggie peeler?
Could someone please inform my tummy that I do not have time for ookiness today and if it would just hold off it's ookiness until Monday, I would very much appreciate it.