first off, {{{DJ and friend}}. Also points upthread at modern drugs comments. Better living thru chemistry, right?
Perhaps the first rule of technology should be, just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD.
so true. Also should work on non-tech things. "well, there was no SIGN to say don't walk here!" Common sense... its not so common!
So was there some kind of massive anti-sleep zone over the US last night?
maybe we all were abducted by aliens! Probed and tested! GIVE ME BACK MY SLEEP ET!! :: shakes fist ::
ok, maybe not. Maybe I just need more sleep.
QUESTION! I think Meara & Erin_O would have the most recent experience with this. For those who have recently moved, roughly, how much weight did y'all have? Just trying to guess what pound range to estimate my shit at. I don't have a lot of furniture, but I do have a fair amount of books and some audio equipment. MUST FINALIZE MOVERS SITUATION SOON! Ack! Stress. me? NO! ACK!
We filled out a movers' form recently and they said to estimate 1200 pounds per room (excluding bathrooms).
did I mention that he screwed up the dates (or was confusing in telling me), and it's actually NEXT week
SOOOOo makes it easy to cancel and reschedule as a different party just for the people you wanted!!!!
I don't know how much weight it was Omnis, I wasn't paying, so I didn't have to know. :(
We filled out a movers' form recently and they said to estimate 1200 pounds per room (excluding bathrooms).
I think it totally depends what furniture you have. I had way more books than normal, but, since I was taking very little furniture, it evened out. I can look up what the weight was when I get home.
But I had at least two companies personally come look at my stuff for estimates. That way I knew in advance what it was going to be.
they said to estimate 1200 pounds per room
At my house:
"Well, this is where all the books are, and there are several hundred of them, probably should add a few pounds there."
"OK, this is the armory, with the swords and armor and hammers and sheets of metal and all. It may need a separate truck."
Which is why people like me move themselves.
Eeep, i don't know! I used a "relo-cube" so i had a certain amount of cubic feets (which i filled almost perfectly and entirely) rather than weight.
- pathetic expression of unable to be of any use in this matter*
I like the idea of guessing by rooms, but then books and papers weigh far more than knick knacks and craft supplies. But then you probably don't have 10 cubic feet of yarn *shrug*
You should be able to get an estimate from the company.....
I looked into a number of options. My movers were about $2500 with tip. I think a cube/box was going to be about $4000 because the California end made it very expensive (and I would have had to load it myself). The rental plus gas for a U-Haul was going to be about the same as movers (not counting the time I would spend on the road, or the fact that, again, I would have had to load and unload myself). I loved my movers (Mayflower).
our movers actually sent an estimator over first. he told them xxx book boxes and they came in loaded for bear. "this is a tiny house! that guy's off his gourd!... oh. crap."
this was the first time anyone has ever moved us. It was pretty awesome. We were also not paying for it.
Omnis - do not, I repeat DO NOT hire movers that do not come to look at your stuff and give you an estimate. Seriously. Also make sure you get a Not to Exceed total.
I'm not moved yet, but that is what my research taught me.