Incidentally, I do love your tagline. I Wikipediad it at some point, and concluded that the source material sounded fairly awesome.
I just adore Order of the Stick, the web comic it's taken from, but that one little exchange was sublime, with the funny and the breaking me into tiny little pieces, and speaking so many volumes about D&D and even the world around us.
It clearly doesn't quite convey all that in just a tag, but it makes me smile every time I see it, and I'm glad it's made others smile too, even out of context.
And yes, "Invisible Krav Maga" especially makes me laugh every time I read it.
Yes, I love the OotS too. I have all the collected volumes, and at least one of them signed. That and Girl Genius are my favorite web-comic reads.
How come I just noticed David Tennant has a great face? I was totally a Ninth Doctor girl until, like five minutes ago.
dear universe. If you want me to be asleep now please to make DH not snore but rather sleep like a baby. Or at least let him grok that he snores sometimes and not be so smug about his log like sleep habits. Kthxbye.
Also. Pete and billytea (and wallybee too) just made my day in all sorts of cross thready ways.
Dear universe,
When you're done doling out sleep to Mr. Sox, please dose up Matilda. I promise I'll be fine if you just take care of her.
Oh, poor non-sleepers. I hope you're all sleeping now.
Cute kitty, PC!
um. not quite. but am about to climb into bed. Why am I up at 3:30am? I swear I was tired when I came home at midnight.
Holy cow! Get some sleep o_a!
Still here. She's been stirring and grumbling and pulling my hair and I haven't defenestrated either one of us yet. Yay me?