It also depends on how much effort you put into helping your child develop good study habits. Having a good foundation at home does wonders.
Annabel's current preschool teacher confided to us that she can totally tell that we read to AB at home and try to tell her about the world because she's so interested in learning her letters and the sounds they make, she was the one kid in class who, when the teacher was trying to explain the presidential election, piped up that her mommy had been telling her about that, etc. Which is encouraging, because I feel like that compared to my mother, who was a SAHM and had a lot more time to focus on me, I don't spend that much time trying to educate Annabel.
I know it *could* be just extra fat, but combined with the unexplained pain that occurs randomly throughout the month, it's got me a little concerned. Not overly, but still. I'll be glad to get it checked out tomorrow.
Steph, it might be a fibroid. Have you noticed any changes in your cycle?
Since I got the IUD (Mirena), I've stopped getting a period, which makes the randomly-yet-frequently occurring cramp-like pain all the more disconcerting. It feels like cramps, but it doesn't occur on any kind of schedule, the way that menstrual cramps generally do.
I know that a fibroid could explain the disproportionately large lower abdomen; I kind of do and don't want it to be a fibroid. I do, because if it is, then it explains everything. I don't, because I don't want to have a fibroid, or have to deal with one.
Then again, I could just be in denial about my fat.
I went to public schools in a town that was generally considered to have some of the best schools in the state, and I hated just about every minute of it. (OK, there were a few things I like, and it's where I met the girl who's still one of my best friends.) I really think I would have done better in a "worse" school where there wasn't so much pressure.
ION, everything seems A-OK for us to return the Guest Pets tonight. (Well, by "us," I mean "The Boy." I intend to go to bed exceedingly early tonight [like, as soon as The Boy leaves], because I feel rotten rotten rotten today.) Friend got back today, and we haven't gotten a panic-laden message that his house was nuked from orbit, so back the pets go tonight. Thank god.
Awwwwwww! Thanks for the link. Lovely buffista sprog.
Oh, Steph, that is excellent news!
Someone tell me to stay away from all blogs about weight loss and fat activism, okay?
Stay away from all blogs about weight loss and fat activism.
No, really.
Your spousal 5¢.
Ah, second Bitches thread killed by moi in two days. It's a gift.
I feel a new tagline coming on...