I have less NEW FCOtD calls.
I mean, I'm sure you don't want to be posted with every single repetition of "I am a doofus who does not understand my paycheck" calls.
Good god. Are you getting to know the repeat callers? Like, "Hi Betty; still confused about FICA?"
Wow. A FICA x-post. Something new for the annals of Buffistadom.
Good god. Are you getting to know the repeat callers? Like, "Hi Betty; still confused about FICA?"
Most of the repeat calls I get are "Is my shit fixed yet?" "No, sir or ma'am...it wasn't broken. We told you why you get deducted: to pay for your fucking dental insurance."
I think the ones that irritate me the most are the guys who are all "The court ordered that back child support be deducted from my check, but they ain't my kids. Stop."
"We can't unless the court tells us."
"So, can I fax you a written request?"
"No. The
can, though."
"But they ain't my kids."
"Tell it to the judge."
...did I mention how much I loved Meara's Regency Dyke Romance? LOVED it. Although I agree that I think it would be even better as a murder mystery. Hell yes. (I think that The Wallflower should be the killer, incidentally. WTF with this 'your style is not dykey enough' bullshit? Sorry, the GILF
be hot enough to make up for all this bollocks.)
Anyway, further to the whole 'living in Thailand is not good for one's self image' I should share with you the headline I stumbled across in the free paper today. It accompanied a photograph of a very pretty and blissfully happy looking Thai lass, who must have weighed, what, 110lb?
"Fat, ordinary" girl is winner!
The accompanying article tells us about the winner of a Thai 'Pop Idol' type contest. The girl in the photo. Who apparently merits the adjective fat (although the source of the quotation never actually crops up in the body of the article, and neither does the quotation). And, you know, the thing is - yeah. She IS a bit bigger than the average Thai girl. Although I see bigger Thai lasses around town, but, yeah, okay - she's bigger than average, which is to say fat.
So, Bangok: not great for one's self image. No siree bob.
(Snazzy new haircuts, otoh, are
for your self image. My God, I've NEVER had so many compliments on a haircut in my LIFE!)
I have less NEW FCOtD calls.
I suspect that now you get the calls from when you used to say "you'll have to speak with human resources about this, let me connect you"
t random
Kid Rock is a dickhead for pulling his songs from iTunes. Now, instead of buying the damn thing, I'll just run the video on YouTube for free and eff him. Fellow Michigander or no.
It also doesn't really help that the lady training me for the Accounting tasks has a wacky "method" of training.
Trainer: "So, now you will do X, Y and Z. Any questions?"
Me: "Uh...yeah. This is...it feels like we're missing a step because I have no idea what X, Y and Z, you know...*are* or *do*."
Trainer: "Oh, well, X, Y and Z are the end steps of this larger process."
Me: "..."
Trainer: "Doing these will help you understand the middle steps that we haven't in any way addressed."
Me: "Well. That's an interesting theory."
Snazzy new haircuts, otoh, are great for your self image. My God, I've NEVER had so many compliments on a haircut in my LIFE!
It's a great haircut. There is no doubting it.
Something is seriously wrong with me. Not only did I run early for my appointment this morning, but I decided that because I was running early and it was gorgeous out to walk from Downtown Crossing to Charles Street. Ok, not a terribly long walk (probably about a mile), but still.
Kid Rock is a dickhead
I think you could have ended it here.
Where is everyone? I'm going to have to do work!