Hi. I'm the newly hired guy at [Company].
My title is "Benefits Assistant", which implies, strongly, that I will be working in the Benefits department.
Mainly, I answer phones and deal with Human Resources issues.
For the past few days and today I have been dealing with various reconciliations, which is the purview of the Accounting Department.
Hi. I'm the newly hired guy at [Company]
My title
should be
Schizophrenic Assistant.
My title should be Schizophrenic Assistant.
or, Mr. Multi-talented and therefore Valuable
Mr. Multi-talented and therefore Valuable
I keep trying to tell myself that. "I am an Indispensable Jack-of-All-Trades, which is why they hired me."
But right now I'm just kind of "Annoyed at doing stupid crap for other departments."
But right now I'm just kind of "Annoyed at doing stupid crap for other departments."
yeah. they should offer an MBA in that.
they should offer an MBA in that.
Forget the MBA, they should just offer an appropriate salary.
But right now I'm just kind of "Annoyed at doing stupid crap for other departments."
But do you have less of the Fuckcake O' the Day calls? That's got to count for something.
I have less NEW FCOtD calls.
I mean, I'm sure you don't want to be posted with every single repetition of "I am a doofus who does not understand my paycheck" calls.
I have less NEW FCOtD calls.
I mean, I'm sure you don't want to be posted with every single repetition of "I am a doofus who does not understand my paycheck" calls.
Good god. Are you getting to know the repeat callers? Like, "Hi Betty; still confused about FICA?"
Wow. A FICA x-post. Something new for the annals of Buffistadom.
Good god. Are you getting to know the repeat callers? Like, "Hi Betty; still confused about FICA?"
Most of the repeat calls I get are "Is my shit fixed yet?" "No, sir or ma'am...it wasn't broken. We told you why you get deducted: to pay for your fucking dental insurance."
I think the ones that irritate me the most are the guys who are all "The court ordered that back child support be deducted from my check, but they ain't my kids. Stop."
"We can't unless the court tells us."
"So, can I fax you a written request?"
"No. The
can, though."
"But they ain't my kids."
"Tell it to the judge."