I have to say, if it was automatic, Flickr is a lot quicker on the uptake than I was - I needed the hint.
Ha, seriously. I stared at it right-side up forever and couldn't see what the hell was so dirty about it. Once JZ turned it upside down for me, though...
JZ secured it so Matilda's grandma won't find it on our Flicr account by accident.
You need a second account called "zmayhem_REALLY_DIRTY_DON'T_LOOK_HERE_I_MEAN_IT". Nobody would ever figure that out.
GC, that happened w/our dog about 8 years ago and we were lucky a neighbor flagged the damage in time. So sorry for your friend.
Thunder is rumbling and the air pressure is popping my ears. Go barometrics, go - do your thing.
Oh GC, so sad. How awful for her.
Awesome gift, JZ!
I am shuddering at the thought of the gloom in Seattle right now. I know it's not for everyone, but I'll take my hot sunny LA days, thankyouverymuch.
So I'm on vacation! Well, sort of. I already have to submit a personal statement for the summer online course I start teaching next week, and I apparently have to email (no problem) and CALL (ack! no one said I would have to call anyone!) the families by Monday. I have phone fear. I also have to read all of the books (which, granted, is nsm a burden) and prep for the class itself. This is decidedly not vacation-y.
Did I mention that the class is part time from now until August 24th, which is
I am already back in PD for school?
ETA: (I know, I know, listen to the teacher with the whole summer mostly off complain. I'm just nervous about not having a real break at all. I don't want to get to school in August and not feel refreshed. I really hope that this doesn't turn out to be too much work, especially since the pay is so pathetic.)
Did you find it pussilating?
Yeah, I gotta say it was indeed pussilating. (I am forced to right click and add to dictionary)
When I saw it I got all squeeful and excited for Hec's sake just because of the bobbed hair; the booth owner had to turn it upside down and show me the sooper seekrit vintage porn.
Actually, I have so many damn relatives going there to look for Matilda pictures that I'm going to take it down completely as soon as I get home tonight. So, anyone who wants to right-click the vintage porn, best get started. The clock is ticking!
wow the sky just ripped left to right, roared at us, and curtained down rain.
I tossed my laptop right off my lap it was so loud.
eta - serial comma and the fact that our neighbors' roofs are steaming.
Can someone e me the vintage hidden porn? I cannot dl on the phone.