Oh GC, so sad. How awful for her.
Awesome gift, JZ!
I am shuddering at the thought of the gloom in Seattle right now. I know it's not for everyone, but I'll take my hot sunny LA days, thankyouverymuch.
So I'm on vacation! Well, sort of. I already have to submit a personal statement for the summer online course I start teaching next week, and I apparently have to email (no problem) and CALL (ack! no one said I would have to call anyone!) the families by Monday. I have phone fear. I also have to read all of the books (which, granted, is nsm a burden) and prep for the class itself. This is decidedly not vacation-y.
Did I mention that the class is part time from now until August 24th, which is after I am already back in PD for school?
ETA: (I know, I know, listen to the teacher with the whole summer mostly off complain. I'm just nervous about not having a real break at all. I don't want to get to school in August and not feel refreshed. I really hope that this doesn't turn out to be too much work, especially since the pay is so pathetic.)