Shockingly fat. At, what, perhaps 105lb? And everyone's all 'OMG, you fat bastard, honey! What happened? Did you eat everything in the whole universe? How could you let this happen?'
See, I can't watch things like that, or else I have to kill myself, since I look like I ate the entire cast. With bacon.
Slutty Spice
Having only watched about half of 2 or 3 episodes (one involved shoes, and another involved a dude with a cock so large that even the one who fucks everything couldn't handle it) -- I have to ask: aren't they *all* Slutty Spice?
Not really, actually. Samantha is the promiscuous one; the others all have series of long-term relationships.
Not really, actually.
Ah. So I missed out on juicy serial monogamy. With ugly clothes.
Samantha is the promiscuous one; the others all have series of long-term relationships.
Except that they all have flings or disasters and about once a season we'd hear "Samantha NEVER fell in love" and she would proceed to.
Edit: Uh, I swear I posted this in Boxed Set... Moving now.
My only real visual memory of this show is, and always will be, the image of Carrie wandering about in the pink tutu with all the gratuitous nippleage.
My only real visual memory of this show is, and always will be, the image of Carrie wandering about in the pink tutu with all the gratuitous nippleage.
You missed the ass ruffle? Lucky you.
There were multiple ass ruffles, sadly.