Hey! Guess who opens in two days! Guess who just got a voicemail from her director informing her that he's going to the ER for hypertension! Guess who wants a drink!! Whee!!!! ... Ah, theater, I love you so.
t Geoffrey Tennant
Well, my friends, it is my belief that the best stuff happens just before the thread snaps.
t /Geoffrey Tennant
My hair is not unlike Geoffrey's right now, with the amount I'm running my hands through it.
I think I need to rewatch all of Season One. Once we open.
t hearts JZ
Did you see that I am going to show all of
Slings & Arrows
to my 12th class next year?
Don't worry, Juliana, you're going to be FAB! We have faith.
Just took off my California plates and put on my Michigan plate.
t cries and cries
Miss my Miracleborns. I'm so glad we're going to see you in a few weeks!
Did you see that I am going to show all of Slings & Arrows to my 12th class next year?
Your class is very lucky!
I did, Kristin! You are made of awesome (for many, many reasons, but
is definitely one of them).
I miss theatre so... the other night Hec and I watched
on TCM, and I'd completely forgotten that the first 5-8 minutes are one long, long montage of all the small weirdnesses and irritations and humiliations of a stage actor's life. It's incredibly, relentlessly demoralizing and I actually miss it. I'm a desperately ill woman.
It's incredibly, relentlessly demoralizing and I actually miss it. I'm a desperately ill woman.
Clearly you are. That's why I sent you an audition notice.