They've also built a wire cage at the back of the house with a cat window so the cats can spend outdoor time
This, I can understand. I'm contemplating a way to chicken-wire my balcony so the cats can sit there without going walkabout on the neighbors' eaves and balconies.
ION this pizza burrito I'm trying to eatis wrong like a wrong thing.
I think I found the problem.
Is this from the rice in a tube company?
This, I can understand. I'm contemplating a way to chicken-wire my balcony so the cats can sit there without going walkabout on the neighbors' eaves and balconies.
Only 2 of the cats really like to use it, but they REALLY like it.
So I guess not technically new then, eh?
Left side of the screen. "Would you rather...." [link]
it's from the $0.59 burrito people. I just can't resist trying new things.
This anxious dane on Dog Whisperer is breaking my heart. I wish Cesar would hurry up and help him.
"Would you rather...."
hee! I accidentally tried to eat some ABC fat once. Long story that I'm realizing now nobody probably wants to hear.
I have a bird feeder on my patio, as well as whatever scraps of bread or cheese we have left about the place, so I get quite a few different tpes of bird. In the last few days, I've seen birds putting food into other birds' mouths. They don't seem any smaller or a different sex. Anyone have a clue what they're doing?
Jars! Where you been, lady?
Where you been, lady?
All about the place! Well, not really. I was off work all last week touring around Ireland with DH's best friend who flew over from New York. Plus, yesterday was a bank holiday. Today was the first day I've been up before eleven in... a while.
How is everyone else? I may have had to skimpity a few hundred posts...
I think I found the problem.
Drew, this Saturday, I had a WASABI BURRITO.
It contained "crispy fish fillet," Mexican rice, cucumber, and guacamole...with ginger-teriyaki sauce and dollops of wasabi mayonnaise.
All wrapped in seaweed.
And then wrapped in a spinach tortilla.
It was so bizarre. And I could barely taste any fish.