in our case, we have hopefully just one more move. But, for the first time ever, we have leverage over the Army because we can leave at any point. (joe can retire in June, 2010.) so. If they want him to stay, they may dangle some really great things in front of us. We will see. I want to have my own home, friends, job, school, and so on and not always be moving but I am open to cool things. Still, with the dollar as it is, living overseas is not a good deal right now and there are only two Army bases I would be interested in. Plus, I am very afraid Joe will have to deploy again so a lot depends on the election and the Iraq war.
Eta: that was in response to Connie. Can't C and P on the iphone.
he got promoted to lieutenant colonel today and I am super proud of him
As well you should be. Yay Lt. Col. Joe!!!
Congratulations to Stephanie and Joe!
And askye - I'm so sorry for your loss.
Yay, Joe!!!! that's so cool!!
But, I do feel rather rootless and while I know where I am from, I don't want Ellie and Frisco to eel like they aren't from anywhere. That is one big reason I am looking forward to Joe leaving the Army. I don't want E and F to have to be uprooted over and over.
I moved around a lot as a kid and I don't feel like I'm from anywhere, but I also don't feel like that's a bad thing. It just is. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and I think moving around has helped me adapt to change faster and easier than many people.
holy cow J just told D they might be out today. I scarcely dare to hope.
Woohoo for Lt. Col. Joe!
We're in the middle of orientation for new interns today, so my life is crazy, but I'm getting used to how I can't actually defeat the chaos around here. And the interns all enjoyed my visual representation of the two different logins and passwords they have to have and how one is contained entirely within the other and has much more stringent security requirements. There was a drawing of a fortified castle inside a barbed-wire fence. A very rough drawing. And I told them, "Now y'all see why I'm a writer and not any kind of VISUAL artist."
he got promoted to lieutenant colonel today and I am super proud of him
Awesome! That's a bird on his shoulder now, right? Congrats!
I moved a lot as a kid, but all in the same area. But nowhere is a "I want to go back to there for it is 'home'" kind of way. I'm a NY'er by birth, but, as of this year, I've spent more of my life outside of NY then in it. I have learned to make "home" where your stuff is. I've had places that were more comfortable as such, but no place that was mine. I suspect when I have either a wife or a mortgage, things will change. In the meantime, home is where ya hang your hat.
Speaking of homes...
BWAH! Delicate NorCal flowers unite!! (Perhaps we should plan something, hrm?)
Ahem. Um. Well. SoCal transplant will be there by November. If something is being planned...?
ND and Sean: Sorry for setting a trend.
That's right! Don't blame me, blame MM! All his fault. There. No more mad at BC!
Omnis if your ears are ringing Mom and I are emailing back and forth about what a great guy you are.
question for people who have been to the Museum of Jurassic Technology:
Is it an all-day thing or should we plan to include another activity?