And I've yet to find a good system to represent martial arts. Which just became important, as Robert and I made Avatar: The RPG over dinner last night.
'Life of the Party'
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
And I've yet to find a good system to represent martial arts. Which just became important, as Robert and I made Avatar: The RPG over dinner last night.
I've always thought that Mountain Witch would be a pretty decent vehicle to adapt for an Avatar game.
I've liked much of what I've seen but I've also seen a few things recently that really gave me pause. However, I have seen more than one review now that says that you just can't judge the snippets accurately and that when you've read the whole thing it begins to sync much more and plays really well. I guess I'll find out soon.
This is where I am with it. From what I've seen it's a real improvement for a GM: less fiddly bookkeeping and paperwork, more support for the actual story. Conversely, I did always like the freedom of choice in 3rd ed, and for a player it seems 4th Ed is more restrictive.
Oh, I'm also pretty keen on what I've heard about the combat changes, being a board game geek, anything that makes it more tactically interesting works for me.
4E: We just ordered it. I figure I don't have any right to bitch if I haven't read the rules. But as far as I can tell, it's strictly a minis game, with the emphasis on min-maxing rather than creating interesting characters.
Huh, that's interesting. I've formed pretty much the opposite impression. This is the first edition to provide properly designed rules for social encounters, the classes are better balanced so there's less point in trying to powergame, and designing combats and things looks like less of a timesuck for GMs. Everything I've seen so far says the system provides much better support for noncombat play. (And more interesting combat decisions too, but that's by the by.)
The main drawback I've seen is the reduction in character options, for which I understand the motivation, but I'll still miss some of the breadth in 3E.
Raq, you mean Delta Green, right? The default setting of it is more X-Files than SpecForces (even though it predated the X-Files.) Central conceit is that Delta Green are is basically a cowboy/illegal conspiracy hiding within the law enforcement agencies of the FedGov, trying to avoid Majestic 12 who has signed on with the 'aliens' (Mi-Go constructs) and is being manipulated by them, with MJ12 controlling most of the military/black budget stuff.
You can go all Special Forces, but that is not the default setting. The organized conspiracies have all been seized from within by the various nasties. Though the game background has not been updated for the post 9/11 and the resulting expansion of domestic intelligence agencies...
Pete, I saw the update on today, and when they mentioned the terminology they were using for the new rarity, I had to check my watch twice to be sure it wasn't April Fool's Day. Mystic Rare wtf?
I didn't know any members were card artists, though, that's cool. I have a guess as to your last name (first Pete artist I could come up with) but I don't know how far under Google's radar you're trying to fly on this site, so I'll just conjecture that it starts with V.
Oh....oh dear. I just googled Pete's full name (I won't reveal unless he wants to). The first site that popped up is the epitome of why we call him The Adorable One.
I am terribly amused. (Love you, Pete!)
ETA: And, as it turns out, there is one card by The Adorable One in the Revised Edition.
Pete, I have several of your cards! Whee!
(Man, I probably haven't played Magic in ten years...)
::looks at disorganized card drawer::
At least their still all in their boxes. Got no idea what I have anymore since I sold off all the beta editions.
The first site that popped up is the epitome of why we call him The Adorable One.
Oh, dear, yes. SOoooooooo adorable!!1!