A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
"Colonial fleet, this is Gal- ... Colonial One Actual, President Admiral Tigh speaking. We have escaped the recent Cylon attack with no casualties. Unfortunately our jump has taken us to a completely barren rock which I'm sure will give the whiners in the Quorum something to keep themselves busy with for the next few meetings. BUT, with any luck this worthless location isn't even on the Cylon's charts and we can fire up our FTLs again before any toasters decide to show their alloyed faces.
However, there is news of a more serious nature. As you know, Mr. Zarek ran for office on the platform of ensuring fair trade within the ships of the fleet. However, documentation has come to light that suggests Mr. Zarek was actually involved in price-fixing and falsely limiting supplies to raise tensions within the fleet that he could then appear to appease as he took office.
This documentation is being collated and verified and Mr. Zarek will appear before a tribunal at the first opportunity. Accordingly,
-President Zarek has been placed under arrest and is being held in the brig. Next time try not to vote for the ex-terrorist.
Okay, get to work, people. We want to be out of here before - What? Already? Frak me, battle stations, people!"
Private line to Apollo
"We'll worry about the Presidency once we've cleared up this frakking mess."
"All viper pilots, this is the CAG. I don't care what you're doing, but I need every available bird in the air yesterday."
I think now would be a very good time to use my once per game ability. Launch 6 RSVs into sector 6, please.
ETA: This what I get for saying it was quiet, isn't it?
No matter what you think of me, "Pradmiral", I've still done more to save our collective asses than you and your jackbooted thugs have. From the depths of this cell, I'll continue to work towards our salvation. I'm not sure you can claim the same.
Sector 6 fills with RSVs! This is what I believe the military refers to as 'a target-rich environment'. The 4 raiders activate and attack.
Raider 1:
7. Hit! RSV damaged.
Ok, we need to pause here to get COs on Evasive Maneouvre interrupts. The shooting will continue once I've got all the orders.
I have no useful interrupts.
Ok, I have COs, so we can keep going. No EMs are played; RSV damaged.
Raider 2:
8. Viper destroyed! Helo plays a Red-1 to force a reroll.
Raider 2a:
1. Miss.
Raider 3:
1. Miss.
Raider 4:
6. RSV damaged. No interrupts.
Final tally: 2 damaged RSVs, 2 smirking raiders.
That concludes Apollo's Big Adventure. Chief Tyrol, I'm sending you your card draw. When you're ready please post your move and action.
Round 2.2 - Apollo
Locations and Hands
Tigh: Administration; 3 card(s)
Apollo: Sector 6; 8 card(s)
Chief: Weapons Control; 3 card(s)
Zarek: Brig; 0 card(s)
Helo: Caprica; 3 card(s)
Starbuck: Hangar Deck; 5 card(s)
Sector 1: Civilians A
Sector 2: Civilians B
Sector 3: Empty
Sector 4: 1 Heavy Raider(s)
Sector 5: 1 Basestar(s)
Sector 6: 4 Raider(s), 5 RSV(s), Civilians C, Apollo
Fuel: 6
Food: 8
Morale: 9
Population: 10
Viper Reserves: 0
Damaged Vipers: 2
Raptors: 4
Boarding Party: 0
Nukes: 2
Jump Track: 0 (Red)
Distance Travelled: 2
Galactica Damage: None
Are the damaged RSVs still in space?
If they're in the hangar deck I can't decide if I should move there and repair them or stay where I am and fire on the base star.
Holy frak! Please tell me I can come back to play this round?!?
Chief, stay where you are and fire on that throwing star ship before it launches any more birds in the air!
Can I fire on the base star and then move to the hangar deck?