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PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Tigh is now the Pradmiral. Pradmiral Tigh, I will send you the President's hand of Quorum cards. Well, of 1 Quorum Card.
Retaliation! The basestar fires upon you.
Die roll:
8. Booyah! (That's Cylon for 'Hit'.) Aaaaand... heh.
Weapons Control damaged.
Pradmiral Tigh is sent to Sickbay.
Jump Prep:
That concludes Pradmiral Tigh's turn. Apollo, I will send you your card draw. When you're ready, please post your move and action.
Pradmiral Tigh is sent to Sickbay.
Injured in the line of duty. Damn Cylons.
Hopefully Tyrol is en route to Weapons Control because now it needs repairing! Le sigh.
Another quirk about Raiders that any Viper pilots should know; the area around Galactica is split into 6 sectors starting at the front of Galactica and running clockwise. If Cylon Raiders find a colonial vessel is the same distance whether they they go clockwise or counter-clockwise, they always go clockwise.
That is the case here. The raiders are at the front of Galactica (Sector 1), and the colonials at the back in Sector 4. The raiders are going to travel through sectors 2 & 3 before they get to the colonial ships so Apollo is probably wise to go counter-clockwise to intercept, while Starbuck, on the very slim chance that the raiders are still in sector 1 by the time she launches, might want to launch into sector 6 and immediately attack them in sector 1.
Hope that's clear.
BTW, I had to do some thinking before heading to Weapons control, I almost XO'd Starbuck so she could launch and move and be in a viper when her turn came (which is valuable with her power). Anyone else wants to XO Starbuck, it'd be a wise choice (except you Apollo! Fly! Kill!)
See, Pradmiral Tigh knows what's best for you all.
You okay there, Drinky? You were barking orders, then there was a kind of a loug BANG sound, and now it sounds like you're crying.
While they're stitching up the gaping wound in my leg, why don't you shut yer frakkin' yap and get your Viper ready to launch? Or is that too much work, Starbuck?!
Ow! Careful with that frakkin' needle!
I'm going to Weapons Control on my turn but I'm depending on the card draw to make the needed repairs.
I'll spend my move and my action to move my viper from Sector 5 to Sector 3.
"Galactica, Apollo. I've got visual on the raiders. Should be in firing range shortly. Tell Starbuck I'm going to take all her kills if she doesn't hurry it up."
Well, if you don't get the necessary Blue card, you might as well head for another location. Engineering Research Lab or Command seem like smart options.
Still if you don't have a B1 or B2 now, your chances are pretty damn good of having one after your card draw. And I see that if you repair a location, your character card automatically allows you another action. Rocking! You could fix the weapons and shoot the crap out of the basestar all in one go. You just might be up for promotion!
No pressure.
"Tell Starbuck I'm going to take all her kills if she doesn't hurry it up."
(out of game) Where's Engineering? I don't see it on my list of Galactica Locations.
Sorry, I meant Research Lab. I always think of it as Engineering as it's the go-to location to pick up an engineering card for us Blue-challenged characters.
I will change the original post too.