A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Ahhhhhh :: ding :: The light of knowledge! Well then, that greatly limits what I can do, huh?
Since we are SOOooo close to the end, in both ways that it could BE the end, I'm hesitant to make the decision without input. The other humans seem to have normal sleep patterns (lucky them), so I shall wait till they wake for input. I'm leaning towards repairing Weapons so we can fire back! That, or hanger bay.
Grrrr @ Xbox Live online. Seems I forgot my password. So I send a request for a new one. It takes DAYS! By the time I get home to click the link, the LINK EXPIRED! What? Grrr. Why does Microsoft have to make things so difficult?!?
omnis, check out the brute's page: [link]
they seem to have gotten a perk that hugely increases their HP, called Immortal. they also have next to no other stats, and even then you might very well have lost if he'd started pulling weapons earlier in the match.
I think repairing weapons sounds like a good idea.
How come the Destiny Deck didn't play into the last check?
ThomasW beat me to it. I ran into a level 8 immortal with 320-ish points.
I tried 3 brutes of appropriate level on her, and only one could take her down.
It did. A total of six cards were played - three by the human players, one by Roslin, and two from the Destiny Deck.
they seem to have gotten a perk that hugely increases their HP, called Immortal. they also have next to no other stats, and even then you might very well have lost if he'd started pulling weapons earlier in the match.
Heh. Guess there can be only one, and my gal is IT! I killed that immortal! (Thankfully, he didn't use any of the heavy weapons, or it would have been lights out). Ya, I couldn't help but notice all other stats were lacking. But I felt brave with 'Fred, so I went for it.
ok waited enough.
Play blue card to repair weapons
Weapons Control is now repaired. Dr Baltar, apparently the Admiral is a bit pissed off that you're not helping with the repairs. Boomer's Crisis Card is:
Requested Resignation
Admiral's Choice
Admiral Valerii, when you're ready please post your choice.