Ok. This means we'll need to make it through a full cycle back to the Scientist before we can close out the last cure, and that turn will be our last chance. At that point we'll have five cards left in the deck. There's a good chance we'll face the last epidemic before we get there. (Seven in twelve, it seems.)
I think we want to use Resilient Population to remove one of Mumbai or Chennai. I'm leaning towards Mumbai, because the Dispatcher has the Chennai card which creates options, but I need to think a little more about this.
According to the map there are 19 cards in the discard pile (18 plus Chennai). Assuming we use Resilient Population, we'll have one chance in six of an outbreak in any given turn before we treat the other one.
If we can wait to the Medic's turn, they can use Montreal to bounce to either city and empty it. The advantage of doing so is to keep the Scientist close to Baghdad so the Dispatcher can pass the last Black card. (I assume they'll grab my Istanbul. So to speak.)
If the Medic stays in Chennai after treatment, the Dispatcher can use Chennai to send them anywhere. Say, Mexico City or Taipei. Does a city get auto-cured if the Medic shows up on someone else's turn?
If we feel the Scientist needs to get onto treatment right away, that could work. They can grab Constantinople, discard Jakarta to get at Chennai and take a cube. The Dispatcher will still have enough actions to do the Baghdad handover, but not much else, I'd think. The Medic could still use Montreal to get anywhere they're needed.
Ok, for the immediate issues then: I vote we Resiliate Mumbai, since Chennai is quicker for the Scientist to reach, just as easy for the Medic to reach and easier for the Dispatcher to retrieve either. I vote for using One Quiet Night too; but if the last epidemic shows within the next four turns we could be in big trouble.