Oh, I miss DMing. Such wonderful off the cuff story telling and making up weird NPCs at a moment's notice.
'Objects In Space'
Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
I've never been great at improv-ing when I DM (though a Mage: The Ascension campaign where I winged it half the time actually ended up being one of the best games I ever run) but when I can pull it off well, it's the best feeling in the world.
Matt Mercer gave a master class in coming up with a memorable NPC on-the-spot when his party's gunslinger decided to go shopping for black powder. [link] Still one of my favorite moments on the show.
Final update on the Revised Edition Magic cards ebay sale:
Volcanic Island = $225 (sold at Buy It Now price)
Tundra = $163 (sold after 5 day auction)
Tropical Island = $181 (sold after 5 day auction, above BIN price)
Underground Sea = $285 (sold after 5 day auction, above BIN price)
Just wow. Almost tempted to sell the one I kept of each pair.
BTW, if I didn't get them in original packs, I got these via auction in 2000 when $15 or so was the going rate. Most other dual lands seem to go for $50-75.
I have everyone's orders, and this turn will see some action. Cards:
Connie Neil: Phase III - Settle
Laga: Phase IV ($) - Consume (Trade)
omnis: Phase III - Settle
chrismg: Phase III - Settle
That's two phases this round. Can that really be enough for action? Well, let's see.
Phase III (Settle) is the choice of three players, who all get to draw a card after settling. The other player, Laga, passes on settling.
Connie plays Deserted Alien Outpost. Alien Tech Institute gives her -2 cost on Alien production and windfall worlds, so it costs her 2 discards. It's a windfall world, so it has a Yellow good on it. She then gets a bonus card draw from Terraforming Robots, so she draws 2 cards.
omnis plays Rebel Sympathisers. This is a 1-strength military Blue windfall world, which gives a card draw whenever he produces on it. omnis' military strength is 1, so he can play it. He then draws 1 card.
chrismg plays Expanding Colony for 1 discard. This card has a Consume power, 1 good for 1 VP; it also lets him produce on one Blue windfall world in Phase V. (He currently has no BLue windfall worlds.) He then draws 1 card.
So, is that it? It is not. For these plays cause a flurry of action in goooooals! Connie now has three Alien cards in her layout - Alien Robot Sentry, Alien Tech Institute and Deserted Alien World. She claims the "3 Alien" goal.
But more than that - with the good on Deserted Alien Colony, Connie now has 4 goods on her layout. omnis likewise played a windfall world and reached 4 goods. They both claim the "4 goods" goal.
omnis is not quite done. His play of Rebel Sympathisers now gives him four Blue worlds, which means he draws level with chrismg in Blue/Brown worlds. What now happens with the "Most Blue/Brown worlds" goal? Well, chrismg got there first, and no one has yet surpassed him, so he retains the 5 points for this goal. But omnis also gets something for drawing level. He hasn't claimed the tile outright, but equalising gets him 3 points. However, this situation is unstable, If either chrismg or omnis can pull ahead, they will claim this tile outright.
Cards are going out now.
On to Phase IV (Consume), and there are a lot of goods for the consuming.
Laga chose this phase, and she trades her Green good for 4 cards. She then consumes her other goods on Secluded World and Terraforming Robots for 1 VP and 2 cards.
Connie has 4 goods but only 3 Consume powers, each of which lets her consume a good for 1 VP and 1 card. She gets 3 VPs and 3 cards, and keeps the good on Alien Robot Sentry.
omnis has 4 Blue goods. He consumes 3 of them on Free Trade Association and the other one on Outlaw World, for 1 VP and 1 card each. He also uses the power on Galactic Bazaar, to discard 1 card from his hand for an extra VP. He gets 5 VPs and 4 cards.
chrismg consumes his 2 goods on Mining Conglomerate and the freshly placed Expanding Colony for 2 VPs.
Cards are going out now. That concludes Round 12, and once again, Laga is on 11 cards and must discard 1. Laga, when you're ready, please let me know your choice of discard. Everyone, please send me your choice of Action card for Round 13.
End-of-round summary:
Round 12
Largest Industry - Most Blue/Brown Worlds (chrismg: 5, omnis: 3)
Greatest Military - Most Military Strength
Galactic Riches - First to 4 goods (Connie, omnis)
Overlord Discoveries - First to 3 Alien cards (Connie)
Budget Surplus - First to discard at round end (Laga, omnis)
Galactic Status - First to play 6-cost development (Laga, omnis)
Connie Neil
Epsilon Eridani (Non-Military World)
Expedition Force (Development)
New Earth (Non-Military Brown Production World)
Terraforming Robots (Development)
Rebel Miners (Military Brown Production World)
Alien Robot Sentry (Military Yellow Windfall World) + good
Space Marines (Development)
Investment Credits (Development)
Alien Tech Institute (6-Cost Development)
Deserted Alien Outpost (Non-Military Yellow Windfall World)
Cards in Hand:
Victory Points:
Layout Value:
6-Cost Developments:
Ancient Race (Non-Military Green Windfall World)
Secluded World (Non-Military Blue Production World)
Comet Zone (Non-Military Brown Production World)
Mining League (6-Cost Development)
Terraforming Robots (Development)
Galactic Federation (6-Cost Development)
Cards in Hand:
10 (after discard)
Victory Points:
Layout Value:
6-Cost Developments:
Separatist Colony (Non-Military World)
Pirate World (Military Blue Windfall World)
New Survivalists (Military Blue Production World)
Investment Credits (Development)
Galactic Survey: Seti (6-Cost Development)
Outlaw World (Military World)
Replicant Robots (Development)
Free Trade Association (6-Cost Development)
Galactic Bazaar (Non-Military Blue Windfall World)
Rebel Sympathisers (Military Blue Windfall World)
Cards in Hand:
Victory Points:
Layout Value:
6-Cost Developments:
Imperium Armaments World (Non-Military Brown Production World)
Alpha Centauri (Non-Military Brown Windfall World)
Mining Conglomerate (Development)
Radioactive World (Non-Military Brown Windfall World)
Gem World (Non-Military Blue Production World)
Galactic Renaissance (6-Cost Development)
Alien Toy Shop (Non-Military Yellow Windfall World)
Expanding Colony (Non-Military World)
Cards in Hand:
Victory Points:
Layout Value:
6-Cost Developments:
VP Pool: 19
I'll be going a little slow to resolve everything this turn, but let's start with everyone's choice of Action card:
Connie Neil: Phase III - Settle
Laga: Phase II - Develop
omnis: Phase II - Develop
chrismg: Phase V - Produce
We will have three phases, including both Phase II (Develop) and Phase III (Settle). If Connie and/or omnis play both a development and a world, the game will end this round!
The suspense! The Excitement!
Dang it, I gotta get back to work.
Right, Phase II (Development). Bring out your diamonds.
Laga chose this phase. She plays Pan Galactic League for 3 discards, getting -1 cost for choosing Phase II and -2 cost from Galactic Federation. This 6-cost development gives her -1 military strength, and in Phase V, she draws 1 card for each Green production or windfall world in her layout. At game end it's worth 2 VPs per Green production or windfall world, plus 1 VP per military world, and a bonus 3 VPs for COntact Specialist. It's currently worth 2 VPs; but it also adds 2 VPs to the value of Galactic Federation.
omnis also chose this phase. He plays New Economy for 4 discards (extra -1 cost from Investment Credits). This card gives him a card draw every Phase IV (Consume). Its point value at game end is 2 VPs per development with a Consume power, plus 1 VP per world with a Consume power. It's currently worth 7 VPs.
chrismg passes.
Connie plays Research Labs for 3 discards (-1 cost from Investment Credits). This lets her keep an extra card when exploring, can consume a Green good for 1 VP and when producing, draw 1 card for each Yellow good produced.
Connie and omnis now have 11 cards in their layouts.
Phase III (Settle).
omnis passes.
But Connie chose this phase, and she plays Damaged Alien Factory. This is a 3-strength military Alien production world. As such, it adds 3 points to the value of Alien Tech Institute. With this card, her layout reaches 12 cards. This is the final round! Connie then draws 2 cards, getting a bonus card from Terrafroming Robots.
Laga plays Mining World for 3 discards. This is a Brown production world (adding 2 points to the value of Mining League), which lets her draw 1 card when she produces on it. She then draws 1 card from Terraforming Robots for settling a world.
chrismg plays Star Nomad Lair. This is a 1-strength military world, which he can play thanks to his 1 strength from Imperium Armaments World. It's a Blue windfall world, that lets him look at 1 extra card when exploring, and gives +1 card when trading the good from this world.
With that play, chrismg now has 5 Blue/Brown worlds, pulling ahead of omnis. omnis loses the 3 points he'd acquired for equalising.