Apollo finishes off by activating Communications. William the Basstard has been destroyed, but he has served his purpose: distracting the fleet while reinforcements arrived. Apollo's crisis card is:
Cylon Attack
This card opens by activating the basestar:
Die roll: 8. Hit!
Apollo, does it hit Galactica or Pegasus? A hit on Pegasus will destroy it.
BSG (Hot Dogging!)
BSG (Apollo)
Aaagh! Damage
I guess. Yikes.
An excellent choice. The basestar hits:
Lose 1 Food
Well, that brought Galactica to its knees. Food falls to 7!
That concludes Apollo's turn. Athena has opted to draw 1 Green, 1 Red and 1 Blue. Athena, when you're ready, please post your move and action.
End-of-turn summary:
Round 7.2 - Apollo
Locations and Hands
Hot Dog: Caprica; 5 cards, 0 miracle tokens, 0 mutiny cards
Apollo: Communications; 9 cards, 1 miracle token, 0 mutiny cards
Athena: Sector 5; 8 cards, 1 miracle token, 1 mutiny card
Zarek: Brig; 7 cards, 1 miracle token, 2 mutiny cards
Cally: Sickbay; 7 cards, 1 miracle token, 0 mutiny cards
Baltar: Armoury; 3 cards, 1 miracle token, 1 mutiny card
Romo: Caprica; 5 cards, 0 miracle tokens, 0 mutiny cards
Main Board Sectors
Sector 1: 1 Basestar, 4 Raiders
Sector 2: 2 Raiders
Sector 3: Civilian F
Sector 4: 1 Basestar, 4 Raiders, Civilians A B
Sector 5: 1 RSV, 1 Assault Raptor, Civilians C D G, Athena
Sector 6: 1 RSV, Civilians E H
Fuel: 3
Food: 7
Morale: 4
Population: 8
Viper Reserves: 0
Damaged Vipers: 5
Raptors: 1
Assault Raptors: 0
Boarding Party:
Nukes: 2
Jump Track: 1 (Red)
Distance Travelled: 8
Galactica Damage: FTL Control, Weapons Control, Airlock, Engine Room, Pegasus CIC
BSG (Zarek)
Ahahahaha well at least that worked out.
I hope you draw an XO, Athena. Cally needs to get out of Sickbay.
BSG (Baltar)
Way to sacrifice the Twinkies, Apollo!
It's always about me and my food stash, isn't it?