Thanks god for being able to add Friends from the Xbox web page. Done & done.
Though Raq, apparently your gamertag is "Zone Wombat" with a space.
Willow ,'Conversations with Dead People'
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Thanks god for being able to add Friends from the Xbox web page. Done & done.
Though Raq, apparently your gamertag is "Zone Wombat" with a space.
Raq, I friended you in Xbox. You might recognize the name. Same as in here.
If you want to see Buffy kick some asshole brute, watch this: [link]
Though Raq, apparently your gamertag is "Zone Wombat" with a space
Ah. I can never remember when I've used the space and when I haven't. Must simplify life.
For the people dissing Risk -- I more or less agree, particularly in how the dice can be quite capricious. But I disagree that this disqualifies Risk as a strategy game. There's frequently some element of random in strategy games, and part of proper strategy is accounting for that. I'd say Risk is very much a strategy game in that your strategies for managing risk and randomness, and when and where you make your move, are pivotal in winning the game. Even then, the random can still bite you in the ass, just like in real life.
Risk is very much a strategy game. It's just not a tactical game on any level, unlike most other strategy games.
So, I can play Team Fortress 2 on Saturday, probably from 7:30 onwards, PST. Who's looking to join in? What time, and for that matter, what timezone are you?
I will get back to you on that - day's schedule still foggy.
But, dang, Darth Nane is insane! [link]
Raq, yeah that was Fierce Brute which acts as a damage multiplier. Nothing worse than when they do that with the ninja stars as the increase is a point or two. That was a tad more effective.
I think the last volley was 263 points of damage. That probably would have taken down a character of any level!
Bet you wish you could pull that off on demand. Pop her into a tournament and see how far she gets.
But, dang, Darth Nane is insane! [link]The flail is awesome. But coupled with Fierce Brute. Oh lordy. Just hope it doesn't waste that trick on a dog like Pete did. Oh, and one of my brutes has a dog AND a wolf. That wolf is AWESOME!
Yeah, the wolf is amazing. I like it better than the bear.
The other problem Darth Nane may face is if she gets more weapons, she'll reach for the really effective ones only as often as the others. It can be frustrating, but that's all part of the game.
Oh, forgot to mention. Team Fortress at 9:30 Central time is good for me.