A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Andrew Looney (creator of Fluxx) is a borderline FOAF. Several different ways, actually, so he's like my personal Kevin Bacon. Anyway, people who like Fluxx should try Chrononauts. It's confusing in a different way, since there are 3 ways for each player to win. And one way for everyone to lose.
I've been meaning to ask if anyone here has played (if that's even the right word) The Path? It's more of an experience than a game, I guess. But the experience is impressively creeptastic.
I think it's what you'd get if David Lynch wrote interactive fiction. So: yes.
Then we played a couple of games of Zombie Fluxx. I have decided that Fluxx (especially Zombie Fluxx) is just a stupid ridiculous amount of fun.
There is now also a Monty Python Fluxx. I haven't played it yet.
Monty Python Fluxx is a lot of fun! And not just because you can draw the Holy Hand Grenade!
I hate Apples to Apples. Subjective games and me are definitely non-mixy things.
So much this. Even with the right group. It's just never that funny, and it's not a game.
I love Apples to Apples. Nyah.
OK. World of Goo may be the awesomest game ever.
Heh. It can be really damn hard, though.