Yes, please, Ginger, write. You have an amazing way with words and I want more of them.
And go for it, pc, just make your goals the part you have control over so you don't get discouraged. By this time next year, I will have completed x and submitted to x, etc.
The programmer in me likes to put things into boxes - so when I was nervous and pacing and unable to focus the other week, I made a fbook author page to hold writing-related news and odd things (giveaways, if I have an extra copy of something, photographs that half of my facebook timeline would not get). I think I'm doing this because I don't want to fill my friends' feeds with news they're not interested in. But now I don't know if that even makes sense. Also, fbook is a pain in the butt. Should I just pile it all in with the rest of my feed?
I did the same thing, and I have no clue. I hated having to switch over all the time, and then I felt weird asking people to "like" a second page. And Facebook really irritates me, so I almost never post to either page anymore.
File under: Do not follow my example.
And go for it, pc, just make your goals the part you have control over so you don't get discouraged. By this time next year, I will have completed x and submitted to x, etc.
Yeah, I was thinking I should have written, let's say, five short stories. Which I think was a goal I made up the last time I pretended to get serious about writing and then it never happened, but I was only accountable to me then.
Five short stories is a good first goal. Looking forward to reading them.
Dear JZ, what happens next? Signed, waiting to find out.
I'm rocking on DragonFire. I've now broken 31k, and I'm halfway there on my outline. I'm heading for the sweet 60k - 70k wordcount I'd like. I always try to have a little something special plot-wise saved up for the middle of the story.
Working on DragonFire is keeping me nice and sane while I await edits on my last revision of COG.
I finally started writing my first short story in five years! I have over 500 words and they're fucking horrible and I have forgotten how to write. And most of what I wrote has nothing to do with what's been stewing in my brain for weeks WHERE DID IT COME FROM.
Don't worry, they're lost, they should be on the right track soon.
I'm up to 51k on Dragonfire now and hoping to finish up the rough draft in the next couple of weeks.
My agent says she's going to start in on my latest revision of COG next week. She also loves my idea for my next MG book after Dragonfire. It'll be good to have some more irons in the fire when COG finally goes on submission. Not that I still won't feel like binge drinking (and I don't even drink).