Waiting is the worst part of publishing. Writing you can do whenever. ::insert winky emoticon::
It is really hard, though. The best advice is to always be working on something new to distract yourself, but it's not like I always take that advice myself, so take that with a grain of salt.
And I don't have a hard time imagining Cog could get picked up, at all. It's just good to keep in mind the vagaries of the market, which change so often, and depend on so much that's out of your control.
The fact that I'm asking myself if a particular paragraph I've written is dickish is a pretty good indication that it is. True? Mainly saying it here cause saying it out loud forces me to cut it out.
could be...maybe you could...modulate?
Don't forget to put the dots in, the Commander likes the dots.
It is really hard, though. The best advice is to always be working on something new to distract yourself, but it's not like I always take that advice myself, so take that with a grain of salt.
The problem is I'm working on the Cog sequel :). It does help to be working on something else though. That's good advice.
Agatha Christie on being a professional author: [link]
That's a great piece. Thanks, Jesse. Also, WOW on that first edition at AbeBooks.
Would somebody please do a beta-read on the crime story I've just rewritten?
erika, I could possibly next week. This week I'm trying to catch up work-work as well as freelance, as well as finish unpacking this apartment.
Ok, that'd be good. I'll send it Monday or Tuesday, then.(I am trying to send it out, but it's not time-sensitive or anything.)