Barnes and Noble fixed my author information. Now I finally feel free to link there!
I'm working on outlining Cog. I think I'm all ready to start querying too, but I'm having a hard time willing myself to get those first couple out. The odds seem so terrifyingly low.
The odds are better if you send the queries than if you don't.
I have a query letter almost ready for that first query.
Meanwhile, I finished my outline and started writing chapter 1 of 'Cog'.
It starts with: "Is your name really Cog?". 'Course it might get axed in rewrite.
Somehow having a second novel started is making me feel less anxious about the first one striking out, which is pretty much what I'm expecting.
I'm a 1,000 words into the new novel. I need to get off my ass and get those first query letters out, though.
You can do it, Gud. Start with one or two and go from there.
I working toward the first one. I've redone the letter a couple of times.
I've discovered Dropbox, well I've known about it for a long time but I finally made an account to sync my password keychain, and now I wonder why the hell I never used this before. I install it on multiple computers and use the folder to store my projects and bam, instant syncing and online backup. It's brilliant.
oh I love Dropbox with all that is in me.
The what now?
You get 2GB of storage for free and the software creates a folder on your computer you use like any other folder on your computer only it instantly syncs to dropbox's servers. If you install it on a second computer then that folder syncs instantly to the server and thus, your two computers are now synced together. Totally transparent.
Working with .doc files, that meager free 2GB is a ton of space.