Like Typo, I don't like to revise as I go since getting that first draft means I can get it done. Then I rewrite until it feels okay.
Bear in mind I've only written the one novel, and I don't have all that much external validation that it's any good.
I've got to decide on my next story. One is SciFi set on a tidally locked planet where a colony has dissolved. They are divided by a stormy and dangerous twilight zone on the edges of the day-side and night-side. The relatively primitive (they have it much rougher than the night-siders for various reasons) day-siders live in communal tribes with increasingly draconian rules as resources and shelter get more and more scare. The night-siders have more technology and more land. They have a coal-fired laissez-faire society where the very wealthy run everything. The story centers around a primitive day-sider ending up trapped on the night-side where she becomes a catalyst for change in a town owned by the owner of the coal mines the town mines.
The other possible story in epic/contemporary fantasy with our world sandwiched between a more spiritual realm and a more base realm (id, ego, superego, heaven and hell, etc...) and paranormal stuff is a result of the intersection of these realms, and they are places the soul may flow to after death. It follows the story of an agent from the spiritual realm being brought into our world (which makes him an angel of sorts), a very traumatic process. The people who are supposed to tell him his mission are dead, he has to discover his mission, deal with temptations of flesh, discover good and evil aren't the same as spirit realm and base realm, and his mission has some dramatic twists. I'll probably have ghosts, angels, demons, clockwork automatons with trapped souls, and vampire-ish creatures that are the basis for vampire legends.
Can't decide yet.