My final revision is done. Now I'm just reading and putting out little fires of grammar and things like missing words I didn't spot when reading over before.
Next week I intend to return to working on the dreaded synopsis and on the query letter. Hopefully, I'll be ready to start collecting rejections by the end of the month.
New YA proposal is DONE and off to agent.
Please let her like it, because I would really, really like to sell something else.
Excellent. I hope it goes well.
Thanks, Sox-- this one's just scary for me because it's such a departure. It's paranormal (a ghost story, which I've never done before), it's in 3rd person, which I have written in yonks, and well, it's just different. At least for me.
So-- we'll see.
ETA: Thanks, Gud! And congrats on getting through your revisions!
Yay Barb. Have finished revising main text in book (though thought of important clarification in last chapter). Now revising appendixes.
Way to go, guys! Good luck to both of you.
Whew-- had a first cold read come back on the new proposal and they called it Twilight meets Time Traveler's Wife in the best of ways with a lovely fairy tale quality
I can live with those sorts of comparisons if it'll help sell the thing. *g*