Mass romance novel publisher going all in on e-books
The whole thing is a cock-up of monumental proportions. They sold all of their best authors to Avon in January, they've been behind on payments to authors for years. This is just last-ditch and if they survive the year, I'll be shocked.
They really should have declared Chapter 11 over a year ago and reorganized.
Dorchester has always been more than a little shady, yeah.
Yeah, they seriously put the skeeve in skeevy. I mean, I've had three agents and all three refused to submit to them on principle. That tells me a lot
I always felt bad for their editors -- they were even more understaffed and overworked than we were at Kensington. And they had a guy there named Chris who was a real sweetheart.
x-posted from Beep Me. I've change a 2,800 word section in my book proposal in response to feedback from a senior editor (feedback=Fix This!). The idea behind the changes is that someone who knows little or nothing about the economics or global warming can understand my description of some of the economics of global warming and also follow what is going on in my chapter outline. Is there someone who does not consider themselves knowledgable in these areas (economics and global warming) who could please please look over these two sections and see if everything is clear to them? Profile addy good.
I'll do it.
If you don't have another ignoramus...also, you did a good beta for me.
Insent Erika. Thanks so much!
Faster than is reasonable. Like late tonight. Going to a committee or board shortly. But that is why I'm just asking for feedback on the "is it clear" factor. Anything else is welcome, but gravy.
And they had a guy there named Chris who was a real sweetheart.
I adore Chris. And he's still there and clinging to the sinking ship because considering how publishing is right now, it's not like there are a ton of places for him to go.