I had to rip up another part of Chapter 27 right after I wrote it. Some characters were being accepting of something because I wanted them to come across as nice. I decided they had enough reason to not be accepting and being accepting made for a bit of piss poor story. When will Chapter 27 stop kicking my ass?
After 14 straight days of blog posts, I let yesterday get by without one. I blame the lawnmower of doom and another one of its electrical faults.
Chapter 27 and 28 have fallen victim to my keyboard now. That's 160,000 words. I'm in the home stretch now.
I do not know what I would do without baby name lists for various countries.
waves sheepishly
...so I have this dusty manuscript that's been on a back burner for, oh,
and I decided that this summer I'd finish it, just to show that I can finish the damn thing. I've got several other ideas for original fiction, but I want to finish this, if I can, because even if it turns out not to be publishable, I think I'll learn plenty from DOING it, you know?
I've gone back and poked it with a stick, and I'm happy to find that, yes, I still like the 'verse and the characters - I think it's mostly plotting that I need to get on top of.
Um. So I was wondering if anyone might be inclined to read through 40,000 words of an urban fantasy type thing, and give me their thoughts on whether it's working so far?
Fay, I'd be happy to look at it. I probably won't be able to get to it until this weekend, though.
Awesomecakes! Thank you! Although - oh, nuts, it's in NeoOffice, not Word - I don't have Word for Mac. So I could maybe cut'n'paste sections into emails?
Fay, you can save NeoOffice documents as Word docs.
Getting so close. I'm guessing about 21-23 word-processor pages left in the draft. Though now it feels like that's when the real work begins.