That sounds like a huge book. I'm loving the play by play.
I wrote a thing. Greg said the ending was too abrupt, so I changed it. I didn't like the change, so I changed it back and sent it to Nick. Nick said there wasn't enough conflict and if I wasn't going to change it back again, I should at least get more conflict in the middle.
I changed it some more...but not quite the way either of them wanted me to change it... and I don't know if it's better or worse.
I'm wondering if anyone here would like to read it and comment? It's under 3k words.
Deena, I could take a look and get it back to you this evening. I'm going to be out and about through the morning/afternoon, but can look at it when I get back.
Thanks, Anne! I'll send it over. Whenever you have time is great.
Deena, I'm going to read it today! Promise!
Ginger, I emailed it to you last night, but a middle version. I'll send the most recent.
Deena, insent w/ comments.
Deena, I've been gone since way, way early this morning, but I'm planning on reading tomorrow. If you have a more recent version, send, please?
I will, and thank you very much, Barb!
Deena, do I have the most recent one? I have the one you sent on Thursday. Which I read, and will comment on, unless you want to send a newer version.