Mal: I call you back? Wash: No, Mal. You didn't. Zoe: I take full responsibility, cap.

'Out Of Gas'

The Great Write Way, Act Three: Where's the gun?

A place for Buffistas to discuss, beta and otherwise deal and dish on their non-fan fiction projects.

Gudanov - Mar 27, 2009 8:56:24 am PDT #1321 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Congrats Jilli!

I've started writing a book even though I have no business writing a book, but I come up with ideas for stories all the time and I want to try writing one down.

Wolfram - Mar 30, 2009 7:35:26 am PDT #1322 of 6690

First rejection. I'm disappointed, but not terribly. On to the next mag.

Gudanov - Mar 30, 2009 9:03:17 am PDT #1323 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I hope the next one goes better.

I find that my old nemesis, lack of time, has become my greatest obstacle.

Gudanov - Mar 31, 2009 9:21:25 am PDT #1324 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Last night I finished chapter 1. I can think of many parts I'd like to adjust (inadequate description, questionable time passage, character saying something that violates my rules for that character), but my plan is to avoid getting mired in revision by just charging ahead and get through the whole story first leaving the occasional "fix this" note.

Amy - Mar 31, 2009 9:41:15 am PDT #1325 of 6690
Because books.

Gud, what kind of novel are you writing?

Also, GOOD CALL on not self-editing too heavily this pass. Just write it, and change it later. My two cents only, but it works for me.

Beverly - Mar 31, 2009 9:43:46 am PDT #1326 of 6690
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

Oh good lord yes. If you *can* sidestep the constant sanding and spackling of revision until you finish your draft, by all means, forge ahead.

Signed, revised myself out of more than one story before they were ever finished.

Connie Neil - Mar 31, 2009 9:51:25 am PDT #1327 of 6690

I'll be the contrarian again and say that if something is annoying you like a rock in your shoe as you move along, go ahead and fix it. If you're a third of the way through and you realize an action in the first 10 pages has been completely negated or you've thought up something to put in the first 10 pages that will make something later on even better, go ahead and put it in/take it out. I figure it takes as much time to actually do the fix as it does to write down a full enough note so that you'll remember what you wanted to do.

Gudanov - Mar 31, 2009 10:01:41 am PDT #1328 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

Gud, what kind of novel are you writing?

Fantasy Fiction

I ground though about 120 pages many years ago, before being knocked off the rails by baby arrival. I did plenty of backtracking and revising as I went and I felt that wasn't the way to go for me this time around. Also, it was sucking something fierce.

Gudanov - Mar 31, 2009 10:08:16 am PDT #1329 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I'll be the contrarian again and say that if something is annoying you like a rock in your shoe as you move along, go ahead and fix it. If you're a third of the way through and you realize an action in the first 10 pages has been completely negated or you've thought up something to put in the first 10 pages that will make something later on even better, go ahead and put it in/take it out.

I don't think that is totally contrary. I've stepped back and fixed things that are just wrong. But I'm not going back and rewriting a paragraph or conversation until it sounds right to me.

Gudanov - Apr 01, 2009 9:10:45 am PDT #1330 of 6690
Coding and Sleeping

I finished the detailed outline for chapter 2 last night, so I'm ready to conquer chapter 2. The detailed outlining starts getting harder after this. I have parallel plot threads going on at that point, though the story only follows one thread.