I have *no* perspective on my stuff, and the longer I've worked at "perfecting" it, the less likely I am to spot something that needs changing, or to change it when a beta points it out.
Thus, three drawer novels. Any of which *could* be reworked into something potentially saleable. By anybody but me, because I can't see past what is to what could or should be changed for the better. ::shrug::
I don't think about it in terms of rules...maybe I should have.
Everything has that white glow again.
I've been shoveling snow again,
Calling Ma nature a Ho again.
Its nothing like being in love.
We have snow ... and the usual panic. silly people.
Try a 35 yard long driveway sloping steeply upward. Leading to a street that never gets plowed. You won't have much love for snow either. (Mind you if it only lasts a day or two, no problem. Past that I'm pretty much trapped even if I keep the drive shoveled. )
oh, no comment on you - just the people who when the first flakes show up get all panic-y.
I miss the snow. I grew up on a cul-de-sac and the snow plow would sweep everything into a giant heap in the center and we would carve tunnels and play King of the Mountain until our toes went numb.
oh, no comment on you - just the people who when the first flakes show up get all panic-y.
No offense taken. Unfortunately at the moment those people are me. I felt pretty panicked at the first flakes this morning. "Will I be trapped for another five days. Will I be able to get back into my garage when I come back." Forturnately by the time I returned it had melted away. But at the moment, I have a visceral reaction to snow. I'm not scared of snow per se, but of the fact that this town is not really prepared for much of it.
All right, say you've got a handful of material for a book about, say...customer service.
What do you have to have ready for an agent to approach them? An outline and a chapter or three? Or the whole damn book?
You approach an agent with a query letter. If an agent is interested, you'll need to send the following for non-fic, which is what I assume this is:
A proposal, which includes a bit about why you are qualified to write this, market analysis (how your book is like successful books/what makes it unique), an annotated bibliography, and a sample chapter.
I think I have the vampire people proposal on a flash drive somewhere, if I find it I'll be happy to send.