Be mobile old man, be mobile! Mommy needs a break. Can you get it worked on, kat?
In terms of massage? Not right now as I have no money for extras. I think I'll shift to carrying him on the very sorry sore side in the hopes that holding him will shift the shoulder back into alignment.
Barring that, I'm going to urgent care for flexeril.
As much as TWoP can annoy me, I'm loving their Jeopardy! thread. All of these contestants are showing up with great insight on their appearances. Larissa just delurked this afternoon, fully admitting how boneheaded at least one of her responses were yesterday.
Barring that, I'm going to urgent care for flexeril.
Lack of pain should not be "extra" but I know what you mean.
Well, if you think Celebrex can do you any good, I have some around, so don't hesitate to ask.
Timelies all!
This cold can leave my head now. (I was gonna say this cold can fuck off, but that didn't sound right)
Meant to say earlier that if anyone want the once used "love that red" lipstick, let me know.
Also meant to post that I used the homemade detergent, Jessica, and it worked fine. I only diluted it to 1 gal, not 2 and I used about a quarter cup in a front loader for a full load.
msbelle, if I do not mention tomorrow morning that I've put Mac's trading cards in the mail, KICK ME. I have stamps and everything!
No used lipstick for me, thanks...if it turned orange on you, it will surely do so on me. I went through way, way too many irritating lipstick purchases before I figured out that anything not blue based will turn either orange or peach on me.
Any of the Hivemind have an opinion on the Tassimo beverage system? Target has them for $129 and they look hella cool and convenient for single serving coffee (tea, latte, etc.) dispensing.
OMG cutiehead Robbie Williams. love.
His Escapology album helped a great deal during my marriage breakup. (With the possible exception of Me And My Monkey.)
We had one at my old office. They are definitely fast and easy, and seem to make decent tasting stuff - the cappucinos are kind of fun. I'd be too cheap to have one at home for every day use, though.