Any suggestions to answers that will imply people, who I don't necessarily dislike, that this is not their business?
I like "that's an awfully personal question" with a smile. It even says none of your business, but delivered in the right tone, it's disarming. Then, immediately change the subject. If they persist, then you can be rude. Cause they started it
t /four year old
You can alway petulantly say "no, do you?". It's childish, but works equally well with single or married inquirers of either gender.
That's definitely a little unnerving.
I know, right?
(Also, my registration has been sorted, BTW.)
My grandmother always used to ask me, "How's your social life?" which was code for "do you have a boyfriend?"
My grandmother always used to ask me, "How's your social life?" which was code for "do you have a boyfriend?"
see, that's classy. you can answer it however you want.
My Grandparents keep asking me if I have a GF. My Dad is in full player mode himself so he keeps encouraging me to go out and hook up with random girls. My mom knows I'll tell her if something happens (in some universe somewhere in another time-space).
The Grandparent thing is unnerving a bit. The last time we had a talk about it, they told me I had to name my daughter Celeste. It's some kind of family name.
Apparently, I'm too special for the database to contain me.
The new shower curtain rod hasn't fallen down yet! I think that's a minor victory.
Why isn't it lunch time? I want Thai food.
The impact of my bright smile is diluted--I use it way too often. Especially considering I'm a misery-bearing git.