I just caught the end of
The King & I,
and tried the beginning of it, then I remembered I don't like it all that much. Then I caught the end of
While You Were Sleeping
and remembered that it charmed me entirely, but then it really made me feel like a recluse who's just trying to work out the correct database join on a Friday night. That's now how I planned things.
Huh. Steve Martin &
Should I?
Also, Victor, you're...Victor, right? Name changes confuse me.
He is Victor. Just not the Victor of which you think. New person, same name.
I thought of that, but he was very talkative for a newbie! I must have missed the introduction.
Hey, Victor!
It was a two delurk night, both from Vampire Lobby, but the other poster didn't come back. Some stay, some don't. You never can tell.
Aha, I see. I saw the one who posted in Beep Me. Not surprised she didn't stay. VictorC looks to be fitting in well, though!
VictorC looks to be fitting in well, though!
Yes, even after we warned him we might nickname him...though we haven't, as of yet...
I kinda hoped I would been kind of rough keeping up the last couple of days since my internet is out and ive been leeching of an unreliable wireless signal.
If it will help I can change my name.
But that will be done on another day. Wireless is getting weaker and im getting sleepy. Sweet dreams everyone.
No need to change your name, Victor. Our other Victor goes by his full name on the board, so you're easy to distinguish.
Earlier there was bouncing over live music. There there was live bounce at live music. Now there is tired and sweaty and I really should take a shower before sleep, but there is the tired.
Ok, tired now.
Dude, I showered. And treated the wound I apparently got while we were near the barricade. Probably from the crowd surfer. Gronk.
AWESOME show though. Just AWESOME.