I think I'll leave early too, especially since I'll have to do some work on Memorial Day.
Why *are* gas prices so low in MO?
There's a funny orange blip in Texas where one county only has one city, Fort Stockton, and its gas price is about twenty cents higher than the surrounding counties'.
I am so glad I started taking the bus!
My office may be moving to a less busable location, though, so I don't know what to do! I am thinking of buying a bike and hoping for nice weather!
My tummy is upset! I'm about to watch a DVD. And we saw a matinee + popcorn + drink for under $20 today. (Iron Man which was good fun, though I had to cringe through the first part).
Maybe you could buy a little scooter, Sophia! You could be all Vespa "ciao" adorable?
I totally think everyone should have a scooter... I'm saving up for one next year.
Right now I am catching up on the interwebs while DH puts Dylan to bed. Poor little guy has roseola. The good news is since he's into the rash phase, he should start feeling better pretty soon.
Like most NYCers need a boost in that smug superiority area.
Or, well, any.
I would love a vespa, especially a pink one!
Maybe you could buy a little scooter, Sophia! You could be all Vespa "ciao" adorable?
More like a snowmobile for where she lives.
Sophia, I'm pretty sure you do not live in the right place to hope for good weather!
Or, well, any.
I went out for dinner with my coworker, and now I am FULL.