Man. Sometimes my job makes me feel dumb. I'm constantly surrounded by PhDs, some rock star PhDs, and just general smarty pantses.
Yeah, but you're way funnier than any of them, and a better writer.
We're one of them, aren't we?
Nope. I cursed the Dodgers so that they wouldn't appear in the World Series in the nineties. And I cursed the Yankees such that anybody who joined the team as a free agent wouldn't win a World Series with them. (This was after Clemens but before Giambi.)
(6 pages doesn't particularly ping me -- if it's an academic CV -- just because expectations in different fields are so different when it comes to how much stuff you get to put your name on. But for a resume, it's completely cracktastic.)
it's a CV, so I expect more than a page or two. but, he doesn't even have his MASTER'S yet.
HA! Right? And today is MY LAST DAY!!!
Figures, doesn't it? We'll have to meet up for lunch in the Valley or up in Pasadena some time this summer to make up for our lameness.
Wait a minute -- how does he manage six pages? Did he have a career before going to grad school?
Because I can't think of any legit way for your average 23-year-old to have a six page CV. I'm 20 years out of school and can barely manage two.
I thought the Royals might have been one of the cursed team. Though, hey, they aren't the worst team in baseball this year, so things are looking up.
I can usually judge pretty quickly whether I can get my carry-on into the overhead or not (the answer is usually "not"), so I'll usually just look around quickly, find a tall-looking person, and ask for help.
Figures, doesn't it? We'll have to meet up for lunch in the Valley or up in Pasadena some time this summer to make up for our lameness.
Absolutely. Though I'm teaching a summer writing program in Koreatown for 4 weeks (but only 4 days a week).
Thats my point. He double spaces his affiliations, he lists his double major as two separate degrees, he indents the text two inches, and puts everything on a separate line, so that each entry is at least three lines. He has separate entries for each position, even if they were simultaneous. He has three separate sub headings "clinical training" "research training" and "administrative experience". I could get this sucker down to two pages
It just makes me think he's a pompous ass. And I want to like him. This isn't helping.
Yeah, but you're way funnier than any of them, and a better writer.
I don't think they see value in that. I keep telling them my humor is wasted on them.
It just makes me think he's a pompous ass.
That sounds about right. Or he went to some seminar about Preparing Your Academic Curriculum Vita that was not actually targeted to people at his level.