Ah, it's hard to figure out exactly what the US position is, but it seems to be try to deal only with Abbas in the West Bank and try to ignore the Gaza Strip as much as possible...
Hey, it's OK. Everyone are trying to ignore the situation in Gaza Strip as much as possible. I think that Egypt rushed into the role of the mediator so that the dealing with this boiling potato won't fall on it later on.
OK, who else has a Kennedy family curse theory?
I believe they were cursed by Joe DiMaggio for porking his wife. All the best curses in the US seem to involve baseball in one way or another.
The papers may be talking about the US Congress. The Democrats in Congress have been urging talking to Hamas/Hezbollah, but the US Congress is far weaker in foreign policy areas that the President.
Rice may be talking to folks at the PA, but in the US, she has been basically off the radar since the Annapolis Conference back in Nov, 2007, which was widely portrayed in the US as a substantive failure. Despite the conference articulating a two-state solution, there has been no real mention of the two-state solution from the US government since.
Thank you so much again. It really helps me to understand some things better.
the Annapolis Conference back in Nov, 2007, which was widely portrayed in the US as a substantive failure.
Oh yes, the only thing I can remember about the Annapolis Conference right now is that they didn't aired the Muppets that night because of it and I was pissed about it.
the only thing I can remember about the Annapolis Conference right now is that they didn't aired the Muppets that night because of it and I was pissed about it.
Heh. A lot of people my age are still pissed about the Camp David peace accord (in 1978-ish) because news of it preempted the premier of the original
Battlestar Galactica.
I have a random question for people who know about canning, etc. I opened up a jar of homemade jam this morning, and it had mold on it. Does that mean I have to chuck the whole thing, or can I just take off the top layer?
Condi Rice is seriously persona non-grata in the US right now. I don't think I've seen her at all this year.
Jesse, the USDA says throw it out: [link]
Mmm. Vista isn't playing nice with my 8 year old Nikon digital camera software. Quelle shock.
Owen announced to me this morning that he "wants his big hair back." Looks like the buzz cut is a bust.