It didn't matter where I moved, I couldn't stand anywhere without having physical contact with other people in the audience.
Unless you go to a venue with fixed seating or go to a show featuring a less popular artist, that's the way it is here, too. It can be somewhat claustrophobic and unpleasantly intimate.
Hell, I was at a show Sunday night and there was barely anyone there, and yet a drunk woman kept draping herself across my back to make "woo!" noises at me about the band.
At one recent concert where I was at the stage barrier and packed in like a sardine, I said, "I just twitched my hip, and I think I just accidentally molested six people."
That's why I don't go to concerts, although I really wanted to see the Honda Civic Tour here in Rochester. Amy went, and she told me there was actually emptyish fixed seating, ao I think I would have been fine.
I also hate bumper cars, except when I can drive around without being bumped. Being bumped makes me angry, and then I can't enjoy the little car!
Yikes, Tommy! I mean, that's great.
We were crammed into a Strokes show in London when a guy right behind us yelled, "MIND YOUR BACKS!" Which is apparently British for "I'm sorry, if you don't move quickly, I'm going to barf all over you."
Unless you go to a venue with fixed seating or go to a show featuring a less popular artist, that's the way it is here, too
I go to see as many shows as I financially can (2-3 per month), but it was the first show that I felt cornered by the crowd (Something isn't right with the structure of this sentence, and I can't figure it out. Oh work, I lothe thee).
That's why I don't go to concerts, although I really wanted to see the Honda Civic Tour here in Rochester.
I'm going to Honda Civic on Friday!
If there's fixed seating, I think you'd be safe going to concerts, provided you stay in your seat after the show for a little while or leave early to avoid the crush of humanity exiting the theater.
My General Admission experiences are more positive than negative, of course, or else I wouldn't keep buying the tickets.
it was the first show that I felt cornered by the crowd
Yeah, sometimes you just get a crowd that doesn't work with or respect your personal boundaries. I'd rather deal with a circle pit developing next to me than people who won't stop feeling me up.
Aw -- George Takei is getting married, too! [link]
Go, Captain Sulu!
There might be a "...where no man has gone before" joke in there....
BTW, has Trek ever had a gay character? I vaguely remember gay rights activists complaining about the lack of gay characters when ST:TNG was on.