You're welcome.
ohhhhhhhhhh the cheese. hey, Lori Loughlin. we've seen the parents/teenage world collide before. we called it The OC.
at least the pretty ex-girlfriend from Reaper is in it. oh and the gay intern from Supernatural. otherwise, i got nothin!
Allyson, your place looks fantastic. You must be loving all that light!
hey, Lori Loughlin. we've seen the parents/teenage world collide before. we called it The OC.
She's got a lot of practice at it fairly recently: anyone else remember Summerland?
Eh. I'm not going to know the truth unless I bump into Johnny Depp and ask. And considering that there were crew parking signs up and a crapload of trailers parked outside the Aragon last night, I have a slightly more than zero chance of that happening this week.
Jesse is my OTHER favorite?
This is one of those "what have I don't for you lately" things, huh?
You wanna live in the zip? You gotta live by the code.
Those are some strong words there.I wonder if Rob Estes' character will be in continuity since Melrose Place was in the same universe.
Okay, what the hell with just two o'clock? Can we re-negotiate?
Does that get me off the hook?