sounds like a cyst , libkitty -- they may go away, or it may need to be drained
I started this post 20 minutes ago. my right lens fell out of my glasses ( rule 1 never clean your glasses) DH is not home. for the first time in my life I got the lens back in and the screw in place by my self.
I deserve a cookie, o a glass of wine.
Thanks, beth. And you totally deserve a cookie AND a glass of wine. I hate it when things happen to my glasses.
My regular glasses disapparated on me last week, and they still haven't turned up, damn it. I may actually have to go out and buy new glasses, which I'm not looking forward to.
At least I have my old backup glasses, but the prescription isn't right any more, so it's a little off-putting.
kiddie birthday party at a farm (hay + pollen + more hay) was very fun. The allergy attack after? Evil. WTF sinuses? I've never had this bad a reaction around a barn before.
I should have been paying enough attention to know who Pete wentz is, shouldn't I? Still, I did know he was dating a Simpson, even if I don't know what he does for a living.
I've been thinking he was the guy who played Norm in
I'm not saying this has just become unsustainable, but really, marrying Jessica would've been more believable.
Fuck. It's light outside. I forgot to go to sleep. That book was
The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray. I wanted to make sure I was done in time to return it in time. So I read it and read it and then my head was still kinda hurty so I cleaned up the TiVo a bit and this is gonna sting come tomorrow.
eta: There's a bit on page 492 or so where the protagonist mentions books longer than 502 pages where I had to snicker.
ita, I hate to break it to you: it already is morning.
I did the stay up too late to read thing the previous night. But I felt it all day yesterday (aided and abetted by vicodin taken at 1 AM for my neck).
Sox, does your little one also have allergies?
It's morning already--it's just not Monday morning. That's when I expect the sting to kick in.