Firefox isn't letting me see the videos on that David Boreanaz birthday page. Is there a plugin I need and don't have? (Just installed Firefox on this computer, still working out how to do stuff.)
It looks like you need to install Flash to see them. They are embedded YouTube clips.
ETA: Here's the Angel bloopers on YouTube:
Here are the Bones clips:
I judge all your jellies and jams!
You just need the Sandwich plugin for your browser. Or possibly empty your sandwich cache.
you need to install iTunes for the sandwich plugin to work properly, though.
I judge all your jellies and jams!
Jelly's Last Jam FTW, I tell you.
Best kind of jelly for a PB&J sandwich?
Raspberry. Specifically, "I can razberry?" jam made by my friend Elana. With the Gothic Charm School Orchard apple butter she made coming a close second.
I couldn't let such an alliterational opportunity pass me by!
Raspberries are icky. None of you are ever allowed to make me a PB&J sandwich.
PB should never be allowed to touch J.
t PB purist
Butter on peanut butter? Weirdness aside, do you add some crushed peanuts for maximal redundancy duplication?
IO, even less important news, I
just now figured out
that Dr. Marcus Welby is a pun on "be well."
Raspberries are icky.
I see the words, but together they are CRAXY!
ION, here's something relevant to this discussion: [link]