She actually brought in breakfast tacos. We got a long speech about how they're individually wrapped and she's going to stay away from them.
Brew very strong, add ice?
And make more to keep in the fridge for tomorrow.
Here is how I am a terrible person: My big boss's best friend's mother died last night, so she won't be in the office the first part of next week. My immediate reaction? Does that mean my Tuesday meeting is cancelled??
And make more to keep in the fridge for tomorrow.
Also an excellent idea.
So what are people doing this weekend?
So what are people doing this weekend?
A friend of mine REALLY wants to see Speed Racer, so we're going to catch it at an Imax theater. My brain may turn to goo. Other than that, sleeping and chilling is on the agenda.
So what are people doing this weekend?
Seeing Iron Man finally (I hope). Going out with girlfriends tomorrow night to eat all the sushi in the world. Tinkering with the bike and -- with any luck -- actually going for a bike ride.
I didn't know toy boat vibrated-- I was picturing, like, a Fisher Price boat, so my mind didn't go there. Also, should electric type boats be in the bathwater, because unless they are made like the special water safe vibrators, it seems like a good way to get electrocuted.
kinda no idea, which doesn't bode well. plans = happiness in our house. Must contact brother about Sunday.
Sat possibilities - local park event, Y, green market, library
Sun possibilities - church, pedicure, homework, movie for mac
My weekend has my sisters here for a day, hopefully lots of gardening, and relaxing. It's a long weekend in Canada. Is it one in the US?
Not this weekend-- next weekend is though.
So what are people doing this weekend?
Sleeping a whole bunch and going to a concert on Sunday, which I hope will not be rife with teenies and scene queens due to Pete Wentz namechecking the band on his blog.