alas, it was not free, they were only giving away one thing for free and it was a long line. I wanted a large and just plain decaf coffee with ice.
Now I go home and enjoy 30 free minutes while mac is playing at a friends'. My plan: pick-up drycleaning, maybe hem a pair of pants. jealous, I know.
So just that one kid then?
But just one can be enough, if it's really done right. Look at Roy Orbison In Cling Film fandom!
In my mind, I helped that along. PLEASE sue him PLEASE!
Smoking isn't only allowed at the bar, it's expected.
Please do not be assholes who make us curteous smokers look bad? KTHX!
The toy boat fetish is marked as being more common for women.
Which makes it less mysterious, I think. I suspect it's about the kind of toy boat a child might play with in the bath. Ahem.
I suspect it's about the kind of toy boat a child might play with in the bath. Ahem.
Something like this? [link]
Possibly. Although that mostly makes me realize that they seem to have left tentacle porn off of the fetish map.
My toy boat curiosity is the logistics of the whole thing. There are all sorts of bits that look to snag and catch whether you're a he or a she. I'd need a bit of a walk through, or at least some diagramming.
Oh, pot was fine, kitchen undestroyed. What a brainfart. I was trying to get burnt butter off the pot, but forgot to turn off the heat when I came back to work after lunch. Not sure if all the stuff got loosened, but at least I didn't kill a bunch of kids and elderly people in my apartment building.