I know in Maryland when we get a call from prison, we cannot always hear who's on the other end.
It's all so idiotic. You're getting a call from prison, you should be able to make a judgement about who's on the other end.
It reminds me of when my sister was being stalked - the guy kept calling collect from pay phones and we kept trying to find out from where, the idea being that a call from down the block is a little more alarming than one across town. Phone company's line was that the only way to find that out would be to accept the charges (iffy, but okay) and then
wait for the bill to arrive
(WTF?). She was like twelve at the time.
You're getting a call from prison, you should be able to make a judgement about who's on the other end.
It's a total scam. Also they do something with the phone so the person called cannot three-way to a third party.
Even if a scam I'd still want to know who's calling. Good thing I've not had prison calls I guess.
Edwards endorses Barack tonight.
I'm a total prison call taker. Eliminates the nervewracking first move of [link]
Hivemind question:
Would a French speaking, Cajun call his wife "Cher" or "Cherie?"
Gambit always said "Cher."
And Dennis Quaid's character in the Big Easy also used it.
But "cara mia" is still my favorite.
Timelies all!
Never got a collect call from jail. (I have nothing else to add)
I think it could be either. But if you didn't use "chérie", I think you would probably say "ma chère". But who knows with those crazy Cajuns.
In any case, if you are writing it you need to use "chère" ("cher" is masculine). They are pronounced the same.