I've bookmarked the NYC list. I'll be downtown in a week and a half! Can't wait!
I hate those prison calls. I'm sure some weird, lonely people accept the prison calls. Or people who have relatives in jail, of course. Even if you're expecting the calls, they're a scam. The phone companies contract with the prisons and the rates are EXPENSIVE as hell.
Allyson, you have to accept! Suspense!
Reads Cashmere's post
Or, you know, don't.
Is it to your cell phone or what, Allyson? Bizarre. And it does sound like maybe the person isn't giving his name on purpose.
I'd say don't accept. Perhaps the caller might want something from you after he gets out.
Even if you're expecting the calls, they're a scam. The phone companies contract with the prisons and the rates are EXPENSIVE as hell.
Eight times over, if I remember my numbers from the Womens TV show.
Allyson, whoever he is, don't marry him. In California you will not get conjugal visits. Your chances are much better in, say, New York.
Wait, wait. If a collect call from a prison (actually, ANY collect call) doesn't identify who's calling, why in the hell would anyone accept?
I don't know, but I can confirm it doesn't. When my old roommate got arrested (suspended license)it took her about fifteen calls before I accepted the charges and found out it was her. Nothing like a trip to the Gwinnett County lockup in the middle of the night. It was a Sunday, too - scraping up the bail money from all our broke-ass Starbuck's-working friends was a special treat.
Isn't there a certain type of collect call that will id the person? (A person-to-person call or something like that.)
I know in Maryland when we get a call from prison, we cannot always hear who's on the other end.
I don't know much about Maryland conjugal visits though.
Is your number published anywhere, or maybe accidentally published anywhere, Allyson? My friend Katie once had a man in jail call her work phone (and then send her letters) after she placed a job ad for the box office manager position at our theatre. It was weird. he asked if she could send him books.
I know in Maryland when we get a call from prison, we cannot always hear who's on the other end.
It's all so idiotic. You're getting a call from prison, you should be able to make a judgement about who's on the other end.
It reminds me of when my sister was being stalked - the guy kept calling collect from pay phones and we kept trying to find out from where, the idea being that a call from down the block is a little more alarming than one across town. Phone company's line was that the only way to find that out would be to accept the charges (iffy, but okay) and then
wait for the bill to arrive
(WTF?). She was like twelve at the time.