Unlike DC, where it's pretty well followed.
Ha! A few weeks ago, I hollered out "Walkers on the left, standers on the right, please!". This guy moved grudgingly over to the right and said "where did that rule come from?" I stopped, looked at him and said "it's the rule all over the world, even in the commonwealth"
side note: it really irritates me when they use wet lettuce on my sandwich, it makes the bread soggy.
Portion Size, Then and Now
While increased sizes haven’t been the sole contributor to our obesity epidemic, large quantities of cheap food have distorted our perceptions of what a typical meal is supposed to look like. These portion comparisons, adapted from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Portion Distortion Quiz, give a visual representation of what sizes used to be compared to what they are today.
Has anyone else not received their rebate check on time? Mine was supposed to be direct deposit on May 9, but I got nuthin. Wanna use it to pay my credit card.
Five Foods That Cause Anal Leakage
Escolar, sometimes sold or served under the name Hawaiian walu, butterfish, and super white tuna, is a deliciously light and buttery fish with one small problem. It contains large amounts of gempylotoxin, a waxy ester that sometimes causes the consumer to have abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and a telltale orange oily mess that destroys undergarments and dignity.
Portion Size, Then and Now
That was one of the most effective and scariest moments in
Super Size Me.
Allyson, I was expecting it by direct deposit on May 2 (based on SSN), and I just yesterday got something in the mail saying I should expect it May 16. Methinks they're running a little behind schedule.
telltale orange oily mess...
Yeah, that's a tale that needs telling.
Allyson, I was expecting it by direct deposit on May 2 (based on SSN), and I just yesterday got something in the mail saying I should expect it May 16. Methinks they're running a little behind schedule.
I got mine this week, and I should have had it May 2 as well. Which, you know, was inconvenient.
I got my weeks ago, and my SSN ends in 71.
I shake myfist, you late-SSN-ian usurper!