Yay Aimee!!
t /Molly Shannon
I have to say that I got my haircut last Thursday and random people keep going past and complimenting me on it. It's almost insulting - like, I looked so incredibly bad before that strangers are making an effort to come by and say something nice.
If they're strangers, it's no reflection on what you looked like before, right? Just bask in looking so good now.
Honda robot conducts Detroit Symphony to warm response
Honda is going build our future robot overlords. Oh well, at least they will be reliable and sorta cute.
that they were surprised that I thought race would be a significant issue in this campaign.
huh...I don't get this. Race has already been an issue. Race is always an issue in the US.
huh...I don't get this. Race has already been an issue. Race is always an issue in the US.
It seems like it is a subtext in all of the press about Obama's weak support among some white demographics. Though I also think it is very difficult to discern if race is a component there or not.
Race is always an issue in the US.
No, no, that's the past! We're totally over that! Let's all pat ourselves on the back for having moved beyond all that tedious history!
Doctors Without Borders has delivered at least 3 planeloads of supplies to Burma/Myanmar. [link]
Of course race is a huge issue in this campaign, as the pundits are making clear in WV.
OTOH, so is gender. And age.
I haven't been around much for discussion on the campaign here, but I could actually live with any one of the candidates being president. I've never been able to say that before.
ETA: To be clear, I have criticisms on each of them, and I have a clear preference for one.
I just sent an email to the Curious George publishers permissions department linking to the AJC articles. Perhaps someone can get sued.