It's inappropriate to make demands on *us*. We shouldn't have any problems inviting whomever we want to OUR g-d wedding.
I know I am all WASPy and everything, but, the asshole who has basically promised to start a fight in public at an event that is not about him is the asshole who wakes up the morning of the event in question with his testicles stuffed down his throat. Not in the fun, un-amputated way.
Okay, I am not that WASPy.
I think I might have an obsession with the fetish. Because I am trying to investigate it again!
Hee hee! I know, dude, I just can't let the toy boat thing go.
Its like a fetish fetish.
Timelies all!
Sorry you have to deal with this crap, bon bon.
A rat?
I tend to think of rats as a punk pet....
Oppossums would make good punk pets.
Was the toy boat thing back on Salon? Because then I feel old. Of course, there will always be kprinkle, which happened way back when my job was so easy that I actually had time to make a spreadsheet to try and help. Hmmm Now I am feeling nostalgic, even though I make a lot more money!
I'm watching a NOVA on a fistula clinic in Ethiopia. Good GOD. It's heartbreaking.
seekrit to lisah:
I really hope you've been to your front door already tonight. Just making sure there aren't any sticky fingers about. Other than yours.