Bob and his brother are very close, his brother just happens to be kind of a selfish asshole.
I know you didn't ask, but IMNSHO, this is where Bob needs to step up and call his brother and say "look, this is my wedding, and either you get to be happy or I get to be happy. Did I mention that this is MY wedding? Because I will be pissed at you the entire time because you can't manage to spend three hours in a room with someone that you're mad at over something that happened FIVE YEARS AGO. Yes, you were wronged, and it was a shitty thing to do, but it's been over for a while. Think about it and call me back. If I don't hear from you, that means that you've decided to be a grown up and get over it."
People know who Edward Gorey is, right?
Here is an excellent photo of him: [link]
I know you didn't ask, but IMNSHO, this is where Bob needs to step up and call his brother and say "look, this is my wedding, and either you get to be happy or I get to be happy. Did I mention that this is MY wedding? Because I will be pissed at you the entire time because you can't manage to spend three hours in a room with someone that you're mad at over something that happened FIVE YEARS AGO. Yes, you were wronged, and it was a shitty thing to do, but it's been over for a while. Think about it and call me back. If I don't hear from you, that means that you've decided to be a grown up and get over it."
Because Broseph is the kind of guy who REALLY carries a grudge. He is threatening not to go to his only brother's wedding, the person to whom he is closest to in the world! Aggression doesn't work with him; he hyper-aggresses back. So he won't go to the wedding, and Bob Bob will lose a brother. Or he WILL go to the wedding, get drunk, and start something with PP.
That's really annoying. So, Bob gets to choose between losing a brother and losing his best friend. Nice. Clearly, he's not that close to Bob, if he's willing to throw away the relationship on some bullshit like this.
I think this is a situation for Dr. Phil.
(Ah ha ha ha ha I just had an image in my head of bon bon taking on Dr. Phil and making him cry. Oh what a wunnerful image it was.)
Ugh. I think you're right, bon, there's no way to fight him on this that doesn't turn ugly. But it'd be nice if there was a way to at least get him to understand what a jackass he's being (even if he still gets his way).
Beautiful iceberg pictures.
Learnt this weekend that sailors actually schtupped dugongs. I can't imagine a Kinsey score so firmly wedged that you use it as the excuse for stepping out to a whole other SPECIES.
Also watched a lot of Secret Lives of Women. Damn, people hate themselves a lot.
Oh, ugh, bon, what a mess. It sounds like you're stuck with not inviting PP; I hope he shows all the graciousness that Broseph seems to lack.
tiggy's right; Matilda Ledger so very much has her father's face. In an adorable little-girl toddler fashion, but still, so clearly his daughter.
Wow, I really would have expected Edward Gorey to look a lot more like something out of Edward Gorey. Fun!
I hope PP is the kind of person that gets the big picture, so poor Bob Bob doesn't actually have to lose either his friend or his brother.